Serious Advocacy When You Are In Trouble

Support Against Serious Accusations

Sex crimes are particularly serious. These types of criminal offenses often involve vulnerable victims and especially heinous accusations. Many of these cases involve complications, differing voices, little hard evidence and even false accusations. They are incredibly complex and difficult to navigate. They need to be handled delicately, by professionals with specific experience in this arena.

In West Chester, I’ve spent many years helping people navigate the criminal justice system, through serious charges and accusations like sex crimes. I am attorney Lisa Wells, and I’m here for you through these types of matters.

What Happens When You’re Charged With A Sex Crime?

Due to the delicate nature of these types of crimes, the charges that come with a sex crime can be severe. Most sex crimes result in imprisonment and mandatory registration on a sex offenders list. A criminal charge for a sex crime can affect every aspect of your life, from job opportunities to where you can live, to what types of activities you can do in your free time.

It’s especially important to get experienced representation when facing a sex crime charge, from child porn charges to indecent exposure, sexual abuse or assault or even solicitation of prostitution. Not only are the stakes extremely high in all of these cases, but the cases themselves are very complicated and they are often very difficult to win.

Seek The Right Defense

I can help protect you from these serious consequences. During my time as a prosecutor, I pursued cases like this. I know how they work, and more importantly, I know how to defend against them. I can get your charges reduced and sometimes dismissed altogether. I will stand up for you and fiercely advocate on your behalf. I’ll make sure your side of the story gets heard.

If you’re facing a criminal charge for a sex crime, contact me immediately. Set up an appointment, and we can begin discussing your options and crafting your defense at Lisa Wells Law. Call 513-838-2115 or use my online contact form to get in touch.